Zurrayatul Baghaya

Among the many false allegations which Mullas put against the Promised Messiah (A.S.) there is one allegation that he has used abusive language against the opponents. In order to prove their false allegations the opponents twist the facts and even wrongly translate some of the writings of Promised Messiah (A.S). One of such Anti-Ahmadiyya campaigner Dr. Rashid is used to extensively present following wrongly translated and wrongly interpreted quote from the writings of Promised Messiah : "Except for the CHILDREN OF PROSTITUTE, whose hearts have been sealed by God, everyone else believes in me and has accepted me." (Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Roohani Khazain vol.5 p.547)

The correct translation of above quote is :

"Every Muslim will accept me and will confirm my claim except the zurrayatul baghaya whose hearts will have been sealed up by God Almighty." (Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Roohani Khazain vol.5 p.547)

Just imagine the honesty of these Mullahs!! Now lets further examine what could be meant by the words "zurrayatul baghaya" here. These are the words which Mr. Rashid has translated as "CHILDREN OF PROSTITUTE".

Remember that in all languages of the world the words are used in two ways. Either they are taken as literal or they are treated as metaphorical. It is the context which explains that in what sense the author has used them.

To further explain it lets take examples of following verses of Holy Quran where Allah says that :

"The worst of beasts in Allah's sight are the deaf, the dumb, who have no sense." (Holy Quran 8:22)

At another place Allah says that "Those who were blind in this world will be blind in the Hereafter and most astray from the Path" (Holy Quran 17:72)

(Note: Translation of above verses taken from Non-Ahmadi source)

Can those who overemphasize on literal meanings of "zurrayatul baghaya" also take the words "Blind, Dumb and Deaf" expressed in the verses of Holy Quran quoted above as LITERAL?????

Certainly not !!! Then why they overemphasize on Literal Meaning of the words "zurrayatul baghaya"??? Actually they are the people with double standards. And they use their double standards in most evil manners in order to misguide the Servants of Allah (God).

Keeping above background in view lets examine the under discussion quote of Promised Messiah (A.S). Promised Messiah had written :

"Every Muslim will accept me and will confirm my claim except the zurrayatul baghaya whose hearts will have been sealed up by God Almighty." (Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Roohani Khazain vol.5 p.547)

According to Promised Messiah (A.S) those whose hearts are sealed by God will not accept him. Here one must note that :

Sealing of heart by God is always used in metaphorical and spiritual sense. (Examples are available in Holy Quran as well). Thus the Promised Messiah (A.S) had made the meaning of "zurrayatul baghaya" very clear by explaining the spiritual state of nonbelievers rather than speaking about their materialistic /physical background.

By simple logic whose hearts are sealed by God could only be those whose spiritual birth and up-bringing is filthy i.e. those who are evil by nature. In spiritual matters it does not make difference that from whose progeny one belong to. Holy Quran clearly explains this phenomenon by giving the example of the Son of Prophet Noah (A.S). God tells us that despite being the progeny of Prophet, his heart was sealed by God, due to his evil nature, and so he did not follow the right path.

In addition to above according to one of the most well known lexicon, Tajul Urus, the term "zurrayatul baghaya" is also used for a person who is deprived of guidance. The "Tajul Urus" clearly states that to call a person "zurrayatul baghaya" means that he is deprived of guidance.

The example of the opponents of Promised Messiah (A.S), who are day and night busy in uttering filth and falsehood against him, is best described in Holy Quran as : "His similitude is that of a dog: if you attack him he lolls out his tongue or if you leave him alone he (still) lolls out his tongue. That is the similitude of those who reject our signs; so relate the story; perchance they may reflect." (Holy Quran 7:176).